Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the label matcher tool?

We put together a short video outlining the process, which you can view by clicking here

Do you save our personal data like customer information and sales data?

No, your information is used only during the label generation process and is never stored on our servers.

Can this be used for Ebay or Walmart orders?

We do not currently offer support for Walmart or Ebay, but may consider offering in the future! Please let us know what features you think we should work on next!

Will this subscription automatically renew?

Your subscription will automatically renew monthly from the date of your first payment. If you started on a trial, your first payment will be due as soon as the trial is finished.

How many FBM orders can this system handle? I ship alot!

As many as you have! So far, we have not run into any software limitations, but please let us know

What is your refund policy?

If you desire a refund for any reason, please contact us. We offer a free trial for all plans to make sure that the software is useful to your business before billing. If you run into trouble, please let us know and we will be happy to help. If for some reason you would still like a refund, we will be happy to provide a full refund for your current month. (Note, prior monthly usage will not be refunded).